Sunday, 23 December 2012

The Northern Bald Ibis A Grounded Migrator

A FAMILY of five is ready to embark on a long journey, and well-wishers have turned out to say good-bye.  Te family take one last look at the place that has been their home for a long time and then set out.  While the onlookers watch, the five go off into the distance and disappear...

The Amazing Process of Childbirth

THE nine-month wait is finally over, and the baby so longed for is about to be born. The expectant mother’s cervix has remained firmly shut, keeping the fetus safely in the womb. But now her cervix thins, softens, and relaxes. The miracle of birth begins. What is behind the marvelous process of...


   The Squid’s Beak  .The beak of the squid baffles scientists.  They wonder:  ‘How can something that is so hard be attached to a body that has no bones? Should not the combination of materials cause abrasion and hurt the squid?’            ...

The Salmon's Efficient Swimming Style

In order to breed, many salmon species swim upstream, facing turbulent waters along the way. How are they able to endure a grueling journey without succumbing to exhaustion? Instead of being overwhelmed by the rough water, these fish actually take advantage of it. How? Consider: Salmon do not...

The Sensors of the Black Fire Beetle

Forest fires repel most animals, but they attract black fire beetles. Why? Because newly burned trees are an ideal place for these insects to lay their eggs. Furthermore, fire drives away predators, leaving the beetle free to eat, mate, and lay eggs safely. But how do black fire beetles find forest...

TERMITE TOWERS - Truth is always or more terrifying than imagination

Source: The termite is the acknowledged master architect of the creature world. No other insect or animal approaches the termite in the size and solidity of its building structure. The world's tallest non-human structures are built by Australian or African termites....