Monday, 13 June 2011

Nature Had It First

“Ask, please,…the winged creatures of the heavens, and they will tell you…. The hand of Jehovah itself has done this.” –Job 12:7-9Everything about birds appears to be designed for flight. For example, the shafts of wing feathers must support a bird’s entire weight during flight. How can the wings...


The Kingfisher’s Beak Traveling at speeds of nearly 300 kilometers an hour, the Japanese bullet train is one of the fastest in the world. In part, it owes its success to a small bird-the kingfisher. Why? Consider: In pursuit of a tasty meal, the kingfisher can dive into water with very little splash....

Powered Flight

For centuries, men dreamed of flying. But a man does not have muscles powerful enough to lift his own weight into the air. In 1781, James Watt invented a steam engine that produced rotary power, and in 1876, Nikolaus Otto furthered the idea and built an internal-combustion engine. Now man had an...