Monday 13 June 2011

Nature Had It First

“Ask, please,…the winged creatures of the heavens, and they will tell you…. The hand of Jehovah itself has done this.” –Job 12:7-9

Everything about birds appears to be designed for flight. For example, the shafts of wing feathers must support a bird’s entire weight during flight. How can the wings be so light yet so strong? If you cut through the shaft of a feather, you may see why. It resembles what engineers call a foam-sandwich beam. It has a pithy interior and a rough exterior. Engineers have studied feather shafts, and foam-sandwich beams are used in aircraft.
The bones of birds are also amazingly designed. Most are hollow, and some may be strengthened by internal struts in a form engineers call the Warren girder. Interestingly, a similar design was used in the wings of the space shuttle.
Pilots balance modern aircraft by adjusting a few flaps on the wings and tail. But a bird uses some 48 muscles in its wing and shoulder to change the configuration and motion of its wings and individual feathers, doing so several times a second. No wonder that avian aerobatic ability is the envy of aircraft designers!
Flight, especially takeoff, consumes a lot of energy. So birds need a powerful, fast-burning “engine.” A bird’s heart beats faster than that of a similar-size mammal and is usually larger and more powerful. Also, a bird’s lungs have a different, one-way-flow design that is more efficient than a mammal’s.
How efficient is a bird’s “engine”? A measure of an aircraft’s efficiency s whether it can take off carrying sufficient fuel. When a Boeing 747 takes off for a ten-hour flight, roughly a third of its weight is fuel. Similarly, a migrating thrush may lose almost half of its body weight on a ten-hour flight. But when a bar-tailed godwit takes off from Alaska heading for New Zealand, over half its body weight is fat. Astonishingly, it flies for about 190 hours (eight days) nonstop. No commercial aircraft can do that.

To learn more, contact Jehovah’s Witnesses locally

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The Kingfisher’s Beak
Traveling at speeds of nearly 300 kilometers an hour, the Japanese bullet train is one of the fastest in the world. In part, it owes its success to a small bird-the kingfisher. Why?
Consider: In pursuit of a tasty meal, the kingfisher can dive into water with very little splash. That fact intrigued Eiji Nakatsu, an engineer who directed test runs of the bullet train. He wondered how the kingfisher adapts so quickly from low-resistance air to high-resistance water. Finding the answer was key to solving a peculiar problem with the bullet rain. “When a train rushes into a narrow tunnel at high speed,” Nakatsu explains, “this generates atmospheric pressure waves that gradually grow into waves like tidal waves. These reach the tunnel exit at the speed of sound, generating low-frequency waves that produce a large boom and aerodynamic vibration so intense that residents 400 meters away have registered complaints.”
The decision was made to pattern the front end of the bullet train after the kingfisher’s beak. The result? The bullet train now travels 10 percent faster and consumes 15 percent less energy. In addition, the air pressure produced by the train has been reduced by 30 percent. Thus, there s no large boom as the train passes through a tunnel.
What do you think? Did the kingfisher’s beak come about by chance? Or was it designed?

To learn more, contact Jehovah’s Witnesses locally

Powered Flight

For centuries, men dreamed of flying. But a man does not have muscles powerful enough to lift his own weight into the air. In 1781, James Watt invented a steam engine that produced rotary power, and in 1876, Nikolaus Otto furthered the idea and built an internal-combustion engine. Now man had an engine that could power a flying machine. But who could build one?
The brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright had wanted to fly ever since they learned to fly kites as boys. Later, they learned engineering skills by building bicycles. They realized that the key challenge of flight was to design a craft that could be controlled. A plane that cannot be balanced in the air is as useless as a bicycle that cannot be steered. Wilbur watched pigeons in flight and noticed that they bank into a turn, as a cyclist does. He concluded that birds turn and keep balance by twisting their wing tips. He hit upon the idea of building a wing that would twist.
In 1900, Wilbur and Orville built an aircraft with twistable wings. They flew it first as a kite and then as a piloted glider. They discovered that it needed three basic controls to adjust pitch, roll, and side-to-side movement. However, they were disappointed that the wings did not produce enough lift, so they built a wind tunnel and experimented with hundreds of wing shapes until they found the ideal shape, size, and angle. In 1902, with a new aircraft, they mastered the art of balancing the craft on the wind. Could they mount an engine on it now?
First, they had to build their own engine. With knowledge gained from the wind tunnel, they solved the complex problem of designing a propeller. Finally, on December 17, 1903, they started the engine, the propellers whirred, and the craft lifted off into an icy wind. “We had accomplished the ambition that stirred us as boys,” said Orville. “We had learned to fly.” The brothers became international celebrities. But how did they manage to power themselves into the air? Yes, nature played a part.

To learn more, contact Jehovah’s Witnesses locally

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